Private-Pay Speech Therapy: Benefits of not using insurance

Private speech therapy is the ultimate customization of care. You can choose your provider, intervention style, frequency, and complete hands-on learning alongside your child. Private pay speech is governed by you instead of being dictated by insurance providers. Because you get the choice, we thank you for trusting us with your little one!

Rachel treats individuals that benefit from speech therapy. There are no limitations to qualify for speech services at Rooted Therapies. There is no red-tape preventing you from receiving services even if you did not qualify for state-provided speech therapy. With private pay, you can receive speech based on present skills, interests, and areas of improvement. Rachel provides strength-based speech therapy using a child-led play approach to maximize engagement and motivation. Play-based treatment is a functional therapeutic technique to help each child achieve goals relevant to their life and abilities instead of checking off boxes on standardized lists. Private speech therapy is direct one on one treatment allowing Rachel to focus on your speech goals for the entire session.

When you choose private speech, you get access to your therapist, you can help choose goals, and be involved in the treatment sessions. We understand private speech therapy is an investment and we believe the progress you’ll see is worth it! The improved quality of life and ability to communicate is worth it!

If you are interested in a superbill, we can help walk you through discussing out-of-network reimbursement from your insurance.


Autism: How to know if your child is autistic & if they’d benefit from speech therapy.


Pediatric Speech Therapy