Speech Groups

Build your child’s social communication and language skills! SIGN UP AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE

We are so excited to announce the start of play groups at Rooted! Our 1:1 therapy sessions are the bread and butter of what we do, but we recognize that language growth within a community is so incredibly important.

We decided to create speech play groups to address a gap in services that is often missed in other practices. While our kiddos often need the personalized attention and connection that a 1:1 therapy session provides, we wouldn’t be a neurodivergent affirming practice if we didn’t provide a way to support social communication differences as well. 

Our mission for play groups remains centered around the same philosophy as in our 1:1 therapy sessions: to provide a language rich environment that leaves kids feeling empowered, connected, and known. 

We built a curriculum that is as natural as possible while still providing a semblance of structure around themed language and activities. Activities will include a variety of sensory experiences and special interests to support the whole child! Group sessions will be led by GLP trained therapists, so your child will still have access to very personalized instruction and attention just like they do in 1:1 sessions. 

What are the benefits of joining a speech groups?

  • Meeting parents with kids whose language develops similarly

  • Facilitating natural interactions with other like-minded kids

  • Navigating social interactions in a neuro-affirming space

  • Peer language modeling, they pick up gestalts from peers in play!

  • Support executive functioning skills

  • Reduce pathological demand avoidance (their nervous system igniting fight/flight) in social situations

  • Develop self advocacy skills

  • Build authentic friendships and reduce masking and burn out

Why did we create speech play groups? 

  • To provide exposure to social scenarios where a child cannot control their environment while still being child-led  

  • To provide a language rich environment centered around themes

    • This heavily supports our big picture learners (our sweet GLPs!)

  • To promote interactions with same aged peers who learn language in a similar way

  • To model improve executive functioning skills that directly impact communication

    • such as perspective taking, shared joy, joint participation, intrinsic motivation to interact with others

I’m interested! How do I choose a group and get my child involved? 

We have the following groups available: toddlers (ages 2-3), preschool (ages 3-5), school-aged (5-7), and teens (13-17).

How long are the group sessions? 

We will host each group 1x/week for a total of 1 hour. The duration of the session will be 50 minutes with 10 minutes at the end to allow for time to transition out and pass out home resources/education for the week. 

When will each group meet? 

Toddlers: Fridays 8:30am-9:30

Preschoolers: Fridays 10:00am-11:00

School-aged: (target executive function, PDA, and social communication) Mondays 4:00pm-5:00

Teenagers virtual and in-person options: Tuesdays 5:45pm-6:45

When do group sessions start? 

January 20, 2025

How long will groups be run? 

Groups run in 4 week sets.

Will you offer groups again? 

 We anticipate running groups on a seasonal rotation. If you can’t join us this cycle, we anticipate opening another group session schedule in the fall. 

How much does it cost to join? 

$300 for a full month of group!!

$85 for drop in sessions

We have pricing packages available on a week by week basis as well as a discounted rate for all 4 weeks up front. If you choose to attend on a per session basis, we ask that you text or email us your intent to attend within 48 hours of the group session so we can plan accordingly. 

If I have insurance, can I pay to join a group on a private pay basis? 

Yes! Group sessions cannot be submitted to insurance for reimbursement, but you may absolutely join and pay out of pocket.

What is your attendance policy? 

We ask that you treat our group sessions as you would attendance at school. The reason for this is because our groups are built around community involvement and it is helpful for participants to see familiar faces week after week. If an emergency or illness arises, we absolutely understand but do ask that you adhere to the same timeline for notifying us as a typical speech session (24 hours in advance). If you do not give us timely notification, a late cancel fee will be applied.

Sign your child up for the Januarary 20th-Feb 10th group cycle: fill out the form below


Social Skills


Gestalt Language Processing: An Introduction