Gestalt Language Processing: An Introduction

Gestalt language processing is one of two ways children acquire language.

  • More than 85% of autistic children develop language in this way.

Gestalt language processing is a top down acquisition of language, using chunks of language from songs, books, movies, and other people, to communicate. These copied chunks of language are called GESTALTS ( also known as: “scripts, echolalia”).

  • Delayed echolalia is the hallmark of stage one of NLA

If your child uses scripts or echolalia, they are a gestalt language processor!

Things to know:

  1. There are four main stages of gestalt language processing

  2. All echolalia is intentional communication, we have to decipher the meaning.

  3. GLPs are nicknamed “intonation babies”

  • GLP’s brains are WIRED for pitch. They are drawn to intonation and prosody of speech. Often times they produce ‘babbles’ or ‘jargon’ strings of unintelligible words with high intonation that matches a common phrase.

  • GLPs may appear to be babbling beyond age two, when they really have a gestalt inventory comprised primarily of intonation.

4. The words your child says doesn’t always match their intention

5. GLPs that have received speech and ABA for years without being identified as a GLP may be stuck on single words in stage one

Because they are top-down, big picture thinkers, they need a large inventory of big chunks of language in order to progress through the stages and generate flexible language.


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Autism: How to know if your child is autistic & if they’d benefit from speech therapy.