Parent Coaching

Parents, you are the experts on your child(ren). You know what your child needs without them having to ask. This is amazing for developing their attachment and bond with you, but sometimes it can also hinder speech development. For example, they haven’t learned the word “cup” because you always offer them a drink and they never have to ask for it, therefore they don't know the name of it.

There are so many things pediatricians don’t know to share with new parents, like ways to support your baby’s speech and language development. Most tell you to read to your baby and talk non-stop, but there is quite a bit more to it. This is where parent coaching comes in.

Parent coaching is 4-8 sessions, ranging from two weeks to a month, where a trained pediatric speech-language pathologist shares tips and tricks on incorporating speech development skills into play.

Parent coaching is for all parents!!

A. Parents who are not yet concerned about their child’s speech-language development and just want to learn purposeful play skills.

B. Parents of children that demonstrate “bad behavior” during play with others because their communication isn't quite there yet for them to ask “my turn" (hitting, pulling hair, grabbing toys, throwing toys, grunting or screaming).

C. Parents of children who are easily frustrated when you can’t understand what they are telling you.

D. Parents who are slightly concerned about a potential speech delay but pediatrician is not concerned.

E. Parents of children in speech therapy and want to improve the carry-over of skills at home.

F. Parents of siblings that want to learn how to toggle between different play levels during family time.

Parent coaching objectives:

  1. Identify their child’s current level of speech and play skills.

  2. Learn how to join their child at their level of play.

  3. Begin inserting speech and language goals naturally into their child’s play.

  4. Utiliza therapeutic speech techniques to encourage their child to progress along speech-language milestones.

Find yourself wanting to learn more about purposeful play and giving your child speech-language skills in play? What’s the next step?

Call or email to schedule an initial consultation (in-home, in-office, or virtual) and boost your parents skills through the roof!


  • Will my child need a speech evaluation?

    • No, parent coaching is about empowering parents to be the primary engine that moves their child along their speech-language milestones. However, speech-language screening can be administered upon parent request.

    • Parent coaching is meant to be the first line of defense - to introduce speech therapy techniques in your own home before a speech delay develops. If during your parent coaching sessions, a gross delay is observed, and you want a full pediatric speech development evaluation, you can schedule one at any time.

  • How long are the sessions?

    • The first session will be 45-60 minutes.

    • Following sessions are 30-45 minutes, depending on the age of the child.

  • How much are the sessions?

    • The four-session package is $300.

    • The eight session package is $550

    • There is a base travel fee of $50 which increases depending on the location.

  • What if my child is already receive speech services from you?

    • If you are currently private pay, you may ask for a few sessions to be dedicated to parent coaching.


Pediatric Speech Therapy