Sensory Jars

Create fun sensory jars to use when teaching language concepts to your kiddos.

How to make sensory jars:

  1. Get a jar. It can be a plastic mason jar, a reusable water bottle, or a craft bottle from the store.

  2. For a liquid base: use liquid clear glue, glitter glue, or water. For a solid base: use dry rice, dry beans, beads, or dry pasta.

  3. Fill the jar half way if using a solid base or two-thirds full if using a liquid base.

  4. Place items in the jar. Some ideas are: plastic animals, cars, doll house furniture, doll clothes, doll food items, mini erasers, scrabble letters, numbers, Legos, or blocks.

  5. Hot glue the lid to keep it permanently sealed.

Play “I Spy…” (Ages 1-4):

1) For an animal: label animal and make its sound

2) Use descriptive sounds: a big bug = YUCK!

3) For a vehicle: label it and make its sound

4) For clothing: label it and describe its purpose

5) For a letter: say the sound it makes

6) For a smiley face: tell what the express means

Play “I Spy…” (Ages 4-7):

1) “Something that starts with the letter __.”

2) “Something that rhymes with ____.”

3) “It’s a (category).”

4) “Its the opposite of ___.”

5) “Something used for (function).”

6) “Something you find (location)”

Here are links to supplies I used from Amazon:

- glitter glue:

- mini house hold objects:

- mini animals:

- mini community objects:

- jars:


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